John Burroughs Elementary School

John Burroughs Elementary School

Washington, DC

John Burroughs Elementary School is located in North East DC and was one of the first schools MSSP partnered with due to one of our dedicated board members, Donnie Shaw, who is very active in the JBES community.

John Burroughs Elementary School is a STEM school, this means they focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Burroughs has a school-wide focus on data-driven instruction so that teachers strategically pinpoint challenges on all levels enabling all learners to succeed. They utilize the Engineering Design Process to guide instruction, to solve problems through critical thinking and inquiry-based analysis. Their STEM model combined with the Engineering Design Process gives students the edge they need to improve academic achievement in a BIG way.

JBES along with MSSP was awarded a School Garden Grant from The DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education in the Spring of 2015. This garden not only allowed us to expand on the existing garden but we were also able to hire our very first School Garden Coordinator, Karen Davison. Karen was initially placed at JBES as a Food Corps Service member. Karen's role was to implement edible garden and nutritional curriculum. Thanks to the OSSE grant Karen was able to stay at JBES and continue implementing that curriciulum along with the Monarchs and More curriculum.

Because of our ability to hire Karen as a SGC, every grade level at JBES was involved in the edible and pollinator garden. By the end of the 2016 school year a teacher and student survey revealed the majority of the JBES community was comfortable learning and teaching in the gardens.