Morgantown Learning Academy

Morgantown Learning Academy

Morgantown, West Virginia

Morgantown Learning Academy (MLA) is an incorporated, non-church affiliated, non-profit private school. The school was established in 1963 and has expanded to include preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1 - 8. The purpose of Morgantown Learning Academy is to provide an alternative education of the highest quality for children of all racial, cultural, religious, and economic backgrounds. The MLA educational program is based on a child-centered philosophy that is committed to teaching children in the ways they learn best.

MLA joined MSSP in January, 2015. Shortly after enrolling in our program MLA began implementing the "Monarchs and More" curriculum in their classrooms. Students also began writing letters and Skyping with their Sister School, Leona Vicario. In the Spring of 2015 MLA also expanded their "Wild Yards" area with the addition of a Pollinator Habitat Garden.

A special aspect of this project is that the MSSP project leader at MLA is also the Spanish teacher, so participating students get to experience interdisciplinary learning across Environmental Science, Spanish, Art, and service learning. Students and parents at MLA and the Mountain SOL as well as the Master Naturalists of Morgantown have collaborated on this project.

Middle school students from MLA have had very positive reactions to their new knowledge about the monarch, saying "It's amazing how one generation of Monarch Butterflies is stronger than others to travel farther distances"(grade 6). Everyone agrees working with a school in another country is cool no matter what the circumstances. Firstly, you are exposed to a whole different culture and world that you have never known. Secondly, there will be kids who will want to know about your life, and you will realize how different and special your life is compared to the kids in a different country. Who, might have the same thought. Finally you can make new friends and find new opportunities.